It's been a few months since I have sent out an update on Allison. She is growing up so fast. As of Monday, she now weighs in at 12 lbs. and 5 oz. She is starting to out grow her 0-3 months clothes now. Allie is definitely a smile baby. She smiles all of the time. It's very sweet to see. One of her favorite times to smile is when she is getting her diaper changed. It must be really exciting to her because the second she hits the changing table she has a HUGE smile on her face and she starts giggling and babbling away. Speaking of babbling, Allie LOVES to talk. She babbles all of the time about anything and everything. She makes sure you are listening to her by raising her voice if she doesn't have your undivided attention at times too.
Allie is ticklish! Her biggest tickle spots are right at her collar bone and the back of her neck. She shrugs her shoulders up and laughs hysterically whenever we tickle her there.
This week Allie mastered rolling over from her tummy to her back really well. She rolls ALL OVER her crib and pack n' play. She thinks rolling over is a game too. We play rolly polly with her. Allie can also sit up in her Bumbo chair and loves it. She really likes to stand up though. She's working on her balance daily as she tries to stand on our lap with our support. She smiles brightly any time she stands up. This week she has decided that when we try to put different clothes on her while she is laying down that she has to stand up. It's really silly.
Allie has an exersaucer that she is just dazzled by. She loves the bright colors and plays in it often. She likes to watch the lights go off and on and listen to the music. She spins round and round in her seat and has a ball.
Allie is still on a 100% breast milk diet. She seems to be doing great with it so we aren't changing her diet. We will start her on some cereal in the next month or 2 as her doctor recommends. I'm excited about giving her her first solid foods, but I want to enjoy every little bit of her childhood, so I am perfectly happy with her all liquid diet. She has started to watch us a eat a little closer though now.
Allie has been teething for some time now. No teeth have popped through yet but she is one drool monster for sure. She even blows spit bubbles. She loves to stick everything in her mouth.
For Halloween we dressed Allie up as a pumpkin. The costume was WAY too big but we put her in it anyway. She looked adorable. Allie had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent it at my parents house in Oceanside. She got to meet more of the family and of course was the star of the day. Her cousin Hailey was mesmerized by her the entire visit. Hailey helped feed and change Allie while we were there.
Shortly after Thanksgiving Allie started sleeping all of the way through the night. It's WONDERFUL being able to get some rest at night now. She sleeps from about 11 p.m. to 8 or 9 a.m. She's definitely a night owl like her mommy and daddy.
Allie's first Christmas was great. She got some clothes and a few toys that she loves. We got a Baby Bjorn carrier from our Aunt Kris. This carrier has been a life saver. Hands free with the baby is wonderful. Allie loves to be strapped in to it and go for walks with me and our dog. She's also been to church with me in her Baby Bjorn.
Allie's personality is really developing. She'll steal your heart and make it melt in no time.
We will be doing a baby dedication in the coming weeks. We plan to raise Allie to Know and Love the Lord. We'll get some pictures and be sure to share.
We love you all and hope everyone is doing well.